Thursday, October 20, 2011
I dedicate this post...
Read it.
Qaddafi is dead.
If you don't know who that is, you've been living under a damn rock.
And if you find the time -- I recommend looking into the Occupy Wallstreet Movement. And who the potential Republican candidates are for the presidential election in 2012.
Politics. One of the only reasons I wish I was back home in the States instead of Paris. Someone have a debate with me, please.
Wednesday, October 19, 2011
Tuesday, October 18, 2011
familiar strangers
i find myself reading other people's blogs. not my friend's or my cousin's.
just a stranger's.
it's interesting -- to read a thought in progress.
because isn't that what we all are?
google. random articles. links.
usually, i just stumble upon them.
or sometimes, i click from one facebook page to another, until i find a random stranger's livejournal, tumblr, blogspot. a friend of a friend of a friend of someone's mother's daughter's son in law's twice removed cousin.
by the time, i find one i like -- i've completely forgotten the process as to how i got there. like getting lost, and finding the perfect reading spot. i imagine, it's a bit like blacking out and waking up somewhere comfortable the next morning. not that i would know, as i've yet to black out...
i don't know how i've found some of my favorite blogs. i just know -- i was meant to find them.
i actually have a list of ten blogs that i've bookmarked... that i sift through, periodically, randomly, once in a blue moon, everyday, quotidienne...for inspiration. because of curiosity. because i need a break -- from my life, from yours, from something comfortable. because i like to romanticize.
and i find myself wondering. what would it be like? to sit down and meet any one of them.
a familiar stranger.
currently, i've found myself perusing through one particular blog -- mainly because he's kept it for the last five or six years. there's so much to explore. it's still a mystery. it's still novel. sifting through. i don't claim to know him because of words or phrases. i just have snapshots. i don't know who he is -- nor do i want to know. i simply love his thoughts. his entries serve as a companion of sorts. a penpal? i imagine i know him as well as i would know someone from another lifetime -- reincarnation, if you believe in that type of stuff. because... what i have is just a collection of emotions that have been evoked, memories that have been stirred, experiences from not my own life -- but from his. experienced vicariously through images made of words. do you understand what i mean?
i take my time choosing a post each day -- an arbitrary process -- an autobiographical process. choosing dates that have some relevance to me. other times... i just keep clicking, from one post to another.
and i imagine. a face. any face. would i like his thoughts more in person? i wonder. if i were to ever reach out and invite this face to coffee -- what would happen? in a random city in some other country. i'd probably be disappointed. once i meet him, what if i couldn't view his thoughts in the same way anymore? a tragedy. a comedy. i'd be upset. or would i be pleasantly surprised? who knows. perhaps i'll never know.
to add onto my 100 things to do before i die list -- meet a random stranger, whose thoughts i already am familiar with.
this post will not be edited.
Monday, October 17, 2011
writer's block
sometimes i think putting on my glasses will help me write better.
or a cigarette.
or damien rice.
i'm trying all three right now.
nope, still nothing.
Sunday, October 16, 2011
Thursday, October 13, 2011
to my best friend
Wednesday, October 12, 2011
my morning anthem
These are the days of endless dreaming,
Troubles of life are floating away like a bird in flight.
Tuesday, October 11, 2011
so do me a favor
and dashing
arms awkwardly interlaced.
one of the best memories so far.
Friday, October 7, 2011
Normandie & Bretagne
A pilgrimage across a wet desert...
Mont Saint-Michel is in the distance, just a blue-grey haze in front of us. The sun exists only to accentuate the contrast between light and dark. Delirium playing with the water and the two dimensional landscape.
One slow step after another. At times, water rushes to fill in our footprints -- chiding us gently.
And at other times?
The sand breathes out, pushing up against our steps. Like walking across the skin of a living creature, a sea monster. I create patterns with my eyes. The terrain perfectly molded to replicate the scales of the animal underneath. The receding water effortlessly chisels the ground before me.
I press my feet deeply into what seems like charcoal-colored cobblestones - to reassure myself that it isn’t stone, but sand – not paved, but natural. The sea’s own handiwork.
A stampede of footsteps is the only indication that it’s safe to proceed. Translucent blobs of jelly remind us that just a few hours ago we could see nothing but water here. We march through rivers, stamping adamantly through puddles, and side step pools of muddy water. Deteriorating mountains of sand...decay beneath us.
Walking perpendicular to the current of different rivers, our bodies hindered. Struggling against the pull of the tide, we push on... only to forget how to walk once our legs surfaced from the water. Clambering onto the banks of damp, packed sand – our legs seem to float onwards without us. Free of their watery chains, they move a bit too quickly – rejoicing in freedom. Like stepping off a treadmill – basking in the ease of movement.
I remember breathing in, the wind was only slightly scented of salt. How strange... I taste the spray of water in my mouth. Yes, I accepted; it was salty. I breathe in again. Lost in thought.
We’re walking across the bottom of the ocean.
But it’s been transformed.
The scenery coruscating and beckoning to us as I surrendered to imagination.
Trekking across a moment in a fairytale, journey, quest, adventure -- to save the princess, kill a dragon, or possibly uncover some arcane treasure trove. The way clearly etched out if we listened intently to words blown from somewhere ephemeral.