Tuesday, October 11, 2011

so do me a favor

and picture me this --

after spending a day;
eating. tasting. drinking. and just loving
the most exquisite cheeses, sausages, and wine.
almost constantly;
catching a whiff of heaven.
aroma after aroma
double take after double take.
with gluttonous eyes
followed by moans of appreciation
completely content with;
meandering aimlessly through tents --
sipping on rums and juices.
eating slices and savoring.
mumbling through bread and foie gras.
while taking small sips of wine
and dashing
without risking a glance back or asking

la fête des vendanges à Montmartre

and then.
a good bottle of red wine
sitting on the steps in front of the Sacre Coeur
the city of paris sprawled out in front of us
centre pompidou in the distance -- unsubtle
the eiffel tower just past the trees, to our right
at our feet, eyes stepping down to
-- a singer, singing off tune
-- every step space completely covered with laughter

night closes in on us, around 9
apartments twinkle into life
one after another -- not suddenly
but we're caught by surprise. it's 10.

four figures huddled together,
arms awkwardly interlaced.
music commences, over the din of hundreds of people
can you feel it? the bass.
then fireworks brush the air.
slowly, working it's way, to the finale.
a sizzle, the smell of something burning, singed.
a whistle, and a burst.
if you put that together -- it's a bit of a swizzle and a !snap
trails of brightness, and dusts of gold
bits of magic and whispers of light
brilliant, then fading into a quiet crackling
sparkling between gentle and exuberant
arching across and fainting
a toast.

and with a shiver, it's over.
we smile.
a breath.
for a split second,
afraid to move.

here's to paris.

and just for kicks --
here's to being born... in the USA.

to Sarah, Rachel, and Sam.
one of the best memories so far.

1 comment:

  1. I don't think i could love this more.
    Here's to an amazing night with many more to follow. Paris, je t'aime <3
