Tuesday, October 18, 2011

familiar strangers

sometimes when i'm procrastinating (i.e. right now)...
i find myself reading other people's blogs. not my friend's or my cousin's.
just a stranger's.
it's interesting -- to read a thought in progress.
because isn't that what we all are?

google. random articles. links.
usually, i just stumble upon them.
or sometimes, i click from one facebook page to another, until i find a random stranger's livejournal, tumblr, blogspot. a friend of a friend of a friend of someone's mother's daughter's son in law's twice removed cousin.

by the time, i find one i like -- i've completely forgotten the process as to how i got there. like getting lost, and finding the perfect reading spot. i imagine, it's a bit like blacking out and waking up somewhere comfortable the next morning. not that i would know, as i've yet to black out...

i don't know how i've found some of my favorite blogs. i just know -- i was meant to find them.

i actually have a list of ten blogs that i've bookmarked... that i sift through, periodically, randomly, once in a blue moon, everyday, quotidienne...for inspiration. because of curiosity. because i need a break -- from my life, from yours, from something comfortable. because i like to romanticize.

and i find myself wondering. what would it be like? to sit down and meet any one of them.
a familiar stranger.

currently, i've found myself perusing through one particular blog -- mainly because he's kept it for the last five or six years. there's so much to explore. it's still a mystery. it's still novel. sifting through. i don't claim to know him because of words or phrases. i just have snapshots. i don't know who he is -- nor do i want to know. i simply love his thoughts. his entries serve as a companion of sorts. a penpal? i imagine i know him as well as i would know someone from another lifetime -- reincarnation, if you believe in that type of stuff. because... what i have is just a collection of emotions that have been evoked, memories that have been stirred, experiences from not my own life -- but from his. experienced vicariously through images made of words. do you understand what i mean?

i take my time choosing a post each day -- an arbitrary process -- an autobiographical process. choosing dates that have some relevance to me. other times... i just keep clicking, from one post to another.

and i imagine. a face. any face. would i like his thoughts more in person? i wonder. if i were to ever reach out and invite this face to coffee -- what would happen? in a random city in some other country. i'd probably be disappointed. once i meet him, what if i couldn't view his thoughts in the same way anymore? a tragedy. a comedy. i'd be upset. or would i be pleasantly surprised? who knows. perhaps i'll never know.

to add onto my 100 things to do before i die list -- meet a random stranger, whose thoughts i already am familiar with.

this post will not be edited.

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