Friday, December 9, 2011

rainy days in paris

are perfect for going to museums.
not-so-secret guilty pleasure.
i can spend entire days in an art museum
just leave me there, and i'll be fine
by myself, without an itinerary

which is strange to some people.
because aren't all museums, well, touristy?
snapping pictures. illegal flashes
iphones and blackberries
too many goddamn Asians.
tour groups with tour guides
flags, audio devices, and maps
with too many languages
and at times,
overly hyped up pieces of art?

this is all true.

but museums in the morning,
when you catch a moment,
by yourself.
with the rain outside...

there's you and a soul.
born into
a sculpture
a painting
a photograph

there's a thought
that criss crosses into your mind
a connection, to your life.
and that artwork,
belongs to you
for that split second

and even in the hubbub of the afternoons?
people are there from all over the world.
there's not only art, but people.
watching people appreciate art
watching people run through the maze of portraits
watching people fall asleep in the too comfy chairs of the Louvre.

and no matter where you're from,
what you see is the same.
translated, with invisible subtitles

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