Saturday, December 3, 2011

why I'm still single

according to jesse:
Sent at 6:41 AM on Sunday

within 100 miles of the guy semi permanently
1000 miles and planning on Nepal doesnt work
the perfect guy for you... in my mind...
first, no matter what you say he HAS to be at least cute
in a very particular way
like lean, slightly longer hair, artistic... not bohemian though, modern man kind of image
that... combined with the type of personality you generally click with.. is hard
and the problem is that any guy that cute can generally get girls much cuter or equally as cute as you who are much dumber, for far less effort
so we'd need to catch one when theyre at the point where theyre sick of that shit and want to settle down lol
hardly easy
on top of that, given where you are in life
he needs to be cool with uncertainty,
especially the possibility of long distance
thats a shitty sell
so more likely than not, you'll be stuck with guys who are willing to fake it just long enough to get laid, OR crazy desperate guys, OR theyll say no
just an overall wrap up, any guy willing to put enough effort into their appearance, to the point where you'd be interested, is at least going to be a little self centered, if not a downright player or douche... I don't see your dreamy sandy haired half Belgian half Malaysian boy in a leather jacket sitting at a god damn Borders bookstore in the poetry section, unless its to pick up girls like you
or its for his english class... or hes there on mandatory com service
the best we can hope for is that you find said guy
but he isnt into thinking long term
so you guys can start with what anyone else would call a fling
and hopefully it metamorphosizes into something more
at least for now

ugh Im done, go write in your damn blog

lmao, and there you have it.

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